Improve AC Efficiency

5 Tips for Air Conditioning Efficiency

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Improve AC Efficiency
May 4, 2024

5 Tips to Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency

Houston's hot summers make air conditioning systems essential for your home. However, inefficient AC systems come at a high cost, spiking your utility bills and compromising comfort indoors. Therefore, improving air conditioning efficiency is crucial.
Before discussing the tips for improvement, let's examine the indicators that your AC isn't working properly.

Signs Your AC Is Not Running Efficiently

Watch out for these telltale signs indicating that your system is no longer working efficiently;

Skyrocketing Utility Bills

An inefficient air conditioning system has to work harder to keep your home cool. This higher electricity demand increases your utility bills. Unless your power company raises rates or purchases a new device that consumes more energy, you should expect your utility costs to remain consistent year after year. Schedule AC maintenance service if your home's energy usage has spiked significantly

Uneven Temperatures

One indicator of air conditioning efficiency is a system's capability to cool your home evenly. When you notice some spaces in your home are cooler or warmer than others, your AC may not be as efficient as it used to be. Uneven temperatures could indicate your unit no longer has enough capacity to cool your home or that it’s reaching the end of its serviceable life

Frequent Cycling

Efficient air conditioning systems should not run for more than four cycles per hour, with each cycle around 15 minutes. If your AC system is cycling more frequently than usual, it may not perform as efficiently as it should.

Needing Frequent Repairs

AC maintenance is important to ensuring the longevity of your system, and it is normal to call for repairs when necessary. However, if your calls for a repair have increased greatly, your air conditioning system may no longer be as efficient. If you have made multiple repair calls recently, consult your trusted HVAC provider to make the best decision for your system.

5 Tips to Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency

1. Eliminate Sneaky Air Leaks

As your home withstands temperature changes and shifting weather conditions, gaps around windows and doors can begin to form. These gaps let cool air escape during summer, forcing your unit to work harder. To improve air conditioning efficiency, eliminate these leaks by applying caulk or weather-stripping.

2. Avoid Extra Heat Sources

Appliances like ovens, dishwashers, and driers are heat producers. Using them on a hot summer day can compromise air conditioning efficiency, as they add additional stress to your system. They cause warm air to circulate in the home, so your AC has to use more energy to cool your space. Avoid running them during the day.

3. Adhere to an HVAC Maintenance Plan

Regular maintenance is essential to keeping your system at peak efficiency. With a maintenance plan, you can rely on a professional's expertise to inspect, clean, and repair your system. They verify the integrity of your air conditioning system, ensuring each component is working in optimal condition.

At John Moore, we offer convenient maintenance plans to help Houston homeowners take care of their air conditioning systems and ensure efficiency. Our VIP membership features essential maintenance services, big discounts, and priority scheduling, saving you up to $1,000 annually.

4. Invest in a Smart Thermostat

Another smart way to increase your air conditioning efficiency is investing in an automated thermostat. These new thermostats adjust your home's temperature, either on a schedule or depending on the presence of people in your home. They can also be connected to your WiFi, enabling you to adjust the temperature remotely through your mobile device.

5. Clear the Area Around the Outdoor Unit

Aside from making your home look better, clearing debris, vegetation, and other dirt near your AC's outdoor unit contributes to better air conditioning efficiency. Remove any shrubs, weeds, branches, and other vegetation that can hinder the clear circulation of air. You can also shade the condenser, as long as the shade doesn’t obstruct proper airflow.

Maintain Air Conditioning Efficiency With John Moore

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For over 50 years, residents of the Greater Houston area have trusted our high-quality AC maintenance, repair, and replacement services. Our customers enjoy stellar customer service, expert workmanship, finance options, and the best warranties in the industry. When you need reliable HVAC services in Houston, TX, contact John Moore.

To keep your AC functioning at its best, reach out today to schedule an appointment!

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